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- 通过EagerTaskInitializationListener类中的jobAdded(jobInProgress job)方法将所提交的作业加入到要初始化的作业队列中,代码如下:
- public void jobAdded(JobInProgress job) { synchronized (jobInitQueue) { jobInitQueue.add(job); resortInitQueue();//按照时间大小递增排序 jobInitQueue.notifyAll(); } }
- 在初始化队列jobinitqueue中的是等待初始化的作业。通过线程池中的线程运行的jobinitmanager类代码进行初始化。代码如下:
- public void start() throws IOException {//EagerTaskInitializationListener类中的start方法 this.jobInitManagerThread = new Thread(jobInitManager, "jobInitManager"); jobInitManagerThread.setDaemon(true);//设置为守护进程 this.jobInitManagerThread.start(); }
- jobinitmanager类的具体代码如下:
- class JobInitManager implements Runnable { public void run() { JobInProgress job = null; while (true) { try { synchronized (jobInitQueue) { while (jobInitQueue.isEmpty()) { jobInitQueue.wait(); } job = jobInitQueue.remove(0);//每次取出第一个 } threadPool.execute(new InitJob(job)); } catch (InterruptedException t) { LOG.info("JobInitManagerThread interrupted."); break; } } LOG.info("Shutting down thread pool"); threadPool.shutdownNow(); } }
- initjob(job)代码如下:
- class InitJob implements Runnable { private JobInProgress job; public InitJob(JobInProgress job) { this.job = job; } public void run() { ttm.initJob(job);//tasktrackermanager接口定义的initjob()方法,在jobtracker中有实现 } }
- jobtracker中的initjob()方法
- public void initJob(JobInProgress job) { if (null == job) { LOG.info("Init on null job is not valid"); return; } try { JobStatus prevStatus = (JobStatus)job.getStatus().clone(); LOG.info("Initializing " + job.getJobID()); job.initTasks();//调用JobInProgress中的initTasks()方法初始化job中的所有task // Inform the listeners if the job state has changed // Note : that the job will be in PREP state. JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)job.getStatus().clone(); if (prevStatus.getRunState() != newStatus.getRunState()) { JobStatusChangeEvent event = new JobStatusChangeEvent(job, EventType.RUN_STATE_CHANGED, prevStatus, newStatus); synchronized (JobTracker.this) { updateJobInProgressListeners(event); } } } catch (KillInterruptedException kie) { // If job was killed during initialization, job state will be KILLED LOG.error("Job initialization interrupted:\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(kie)); killJob(job); } catch (Throwable t) { String failureInfo = "Job initialization failed:\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(t); // If the job initialization is failed, job state will be FAILED LOG.error(failureInfo); job.getStatus().setFailureInfo(failureInfo); failJob(job); } }
- JobInProgress中的initTasks()方法中主要代码如下:
- public synchronized void initTasks() numMapTasks = splits.length; // Sanity check the locations so we don't create/initialize unnecessary tasks for (TaskSplitMetaInfo split : splits) { NetUtils.verifyHostnames(split.getLocations()); } jobtracker.getInstrumentation().addWaitingMaps(getJobID(), numMapTasks); jobtracker.getInstrumentation().addWaitingReduces(getJobID(), numReduceTasks); this.queueMetrics.addWaitingMaps(getJobID(), numMapTasks); this.queueMetrics.addWaitingReduces(getJobID(), numReduceTasks); maps = new TaskInProgress[numMapTasks]; for(int i=0; i < numMapTasks; ++i) { inputLength += splits[i].getInputDataLength(); maps[i] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, splits[i], jobtracker, conf, this, i, numSlotsPerMap); } LOG.info("Input size for job " + jobId + " = " + inputLength + ". Number of splits = " + splits.length); // Set localityWaitFactor before creating cache localityWaitFactor = conf.getFloat(LOCALITY_WAIT_FACTOR, DEFAULT_LOCALITY_WAIT_FACTOR); if (numMapTasks > 0) { nonRunningMapCache = createCache(splits, maxLevel); } // set the launch time this.launchTime = jobtracker.getClock().getTime(); // // Create reduce tasks // this.reduces = new TaskInProgress[numReduceTasks]; for (int i = 0; i < numReduceTasks; i++) { reduces[i] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, i, jobtracker, conf, this, numSlotsPerReduce); nonRunningReduces.add(reduces[i]); } // Calculate the minimum number of maps to be complete before // we should start scheduling reduces completedMapsForReduceSlowstart = (int)Math.ceil( (conf.getFloat("mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps", DEFAULT_COMPLETED_MAPS_PERCENT_FOR_REDUCE_SLOWSTART) * numMapTasks)); // ... use the same for estimating the total output of all maps resourceEstimator.setThreshhold(completedMapsForReduceSlowstart); // create cleanup two cleanup tips, one map and one reduce. cleanup = new TaskInProgress[2]; // cleanup map tip. This map doesn't use any splits. Just assign an empty // split. TaskSplitMetaInfo emptySplit = JobSplit.EMPTY_TASK_SPLIT; cleanup[0] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, emptySplit, jobtracker, conf, this, numMapTasks, 1); cleanup[0].setJobCleanupTask(); // cleanup reduce tip. cleanup[1] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, numReduceTasks, jobtracker, conf, this, 1); cleanup[1].setJobCleanupTask(); // create two setup tips, one map and one reduce. setup = new TaskInProgress[2]; // setup map tip. This map doesn't use any split. Just assign an empty // split. setup[0] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, emptySplit, jobtracker, conf, this, numMapTasks + 1, 1); setup[0].setJobSetupTask(); // setup reduce tip. setup[1] = new TaskInProgress(jobId, jobFile, numMapTasks, numReduceTasks + 1, jobtracker, conf, this, 1); setup[1].setJobSetupTask(); }